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BILATERAL bilater al agr eement bilater al ar r angement bilater al inter gover nmental confer ence bilater al r elations bilater al sur veillance. Member States. BIO bioavailability biodegr adable biodiesel bioequivalence bioethanol bioethics biofuel biological biological agent biological diversity and natur al r esour ces management biological effect Biological Exposur e Index BEI biological exposure limit biological monitor ing biological sampling biology biomass biotechnology biotechnology action pr ogr amme BAP.
BOARD ar bitr ation boar d awar d of an ar bitr ation boar d boar d of appeals boar d of adver tisement boar d of auditor s boar d of directors of the bank boar d of discipline boar d of gover nor s boar d of gover nor s of the bank boar d of tr ustees conciliation boar d fr ee on boar d FOB Inter national Accounting Standarts. Boar d IASB supr eme boar d vessel sur vey boar d BODY asbestos body certification body competent body confor mity assessment body confor mity assessment and cer tification body consultation body cor r esponding legislative body decision making body Eur opean Agency for the Enhancement of J udicial Cooper ation Eur ojust expost financial audit body notified body notified bodies logistics suppor t NBLS pr ecour t settlement body ar bitr ation public inter national body r egulator y body r esign as a body self r egulator y body status of a body super visor y body.
BORDER adjustment of bor ders bor der check bor der contr ol bor der inspection post bor der management bor der post bor der secur ity bor der sur veillance closur e of bor ders cr ossbor der cooper ation CBC cr ossbor der crime cr ossbor der flow customs bor der post Eur opean Agency for the Management of Oper ational Cooper ation at the External Bor der s Fr ontex integr ated bor der management integr ated bor der security model Pr oject Dir ector ate of Integr ated Bor der Management PDIBM r emoval of the bor der contr ols.
BUDGET allotment of budget annexed budget budget estimate budget policy budget r esour ces budget sur plus. CHARGE assembly char ge char ges having equivalent effect char ge of genocide counter vailing char ges cr iminal charge elimination of char ges having equivalent effect extraor dinar y char ges flatr ate char ge investment char ge r epair char ges stor age char ges tr ansit char ge. CLAIM claim for damages counter claim false claim compensation claim substantiate the claim.
CLAUSE ar bitr ation clause clause of adhesion collective action clause escaped clause most favour ed nation clause pr or ogation clause r esolutive clause standstill clause suspension clause. Avrupa Kömür ve Çelik Topluluğunu Kuran Antlaşma yasa, kanun; şifre, kod hayvan tanımlama kodu medeni kanun hukuk muhakemeleri usulü kanunu ticaret kanunu davranış kuralları etik kuralları iyi uygulama kodu belirli bir alanda üzerinde anlaşmaya varılmış ve herkesin uyması beklenen düzenlemeler bütünü borçlar kanunu ceza muhakemeleri kanunu gümrük kodu.
CONDITION climatic conditions conditional conditional bond conditional r elease conditions for loans conditions of accession conditions of competition Eur opean Foundation for the Impr ovement of Living and Wor king Conditions Eur ofound oper ating condition pr econdition r ecipr ocal condition special condition subject to the conditions.
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CONFER power s which are conferr ed upon it by this treaty confer power s confer rights within the limits of the powers confer red by this tr eaty. CONTRACT annuity contract br each of the contr act conclude a contract centr al finance and contr acts unit CFCU contr act gover ned by pr ivate law contr act gover ned by public law contr act of limited dur ation contr acting parties cocontr acting parties.
CREDIT author ised cr edit consumer credit cr edit balance cr edits fr om the r ecover y of wr itten off loans cr edit guar antee fund cr edit institution cr edit policy Eur opean Cr edit Tr ansfer System ECTS expor t credit indir ect credit in kind cr edit ir revocable letter of cr edit letter of credit open credit sale on cr edit tr ansfer able letter of credit. CRIME cr ime scene investigation unit cr ossbor der crime fight against crime fight against inter national or ganised cr ime. CRIMINAL cr iminal charge cr iminal cour t system cr iminal investigation cr iminal liability cr iminal justice system cr iminal pr osecution cr iminal r ecor d cr iminal sanction judicial cooper ation in criminal matter s.
CURRENT cur rent account cur rent accounts cur rent accounts balance cur rent call account cur rent financial year cur rent official par ity cur rent official rate. CUSTOMS abandonment of goods to customs abolish customs duties absence of customs pr otection Advisor y Committee on Customs Matter s Common Customs Tariff CCT Common Customs Tariff nomenclatur e contr ol by the customs authorities customs and agr icultur al duty customs appr oved tr eatment or use customs ar ea customs ar rangement customs author ity customs barr ier customs bor der post customs br oker customs clearance customs code customs data war ehouse system customs debt customs declar ation customs declar ation for m customs duties accr ued on the pr oduct customs duty customs duty exemption customs duty of a fiscal nature customs enfor cement Customs Enfor cement Networ k CEN customs goods Customs Infor mation System CIS customs investigator customs legislation customs mar itime zone customs office customs official customs pr ocedur e customs pr otection customs r eceipt.
DAMAGE action for damages cause a damage claim for damages compensation for damage damage deter mination committee.
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DECISION decide codecision codecision pr ocedur e commission decision Council decision Council Fr amewor k Decision decision makers decision making body decision making pr ocedure decision making pr ocedure of the Eur opean Community defer a decision decision of the cour t decision of refusal dr aft decision dr aft decision submitted by the Commission.
DEFICIT budgetar y deficit democr atic deficit excessive deficit pr ocedur e EDP legitimacy deficit oper ational budget deficit social secur ity deficit tr ade balance deficit. DEMAND demand for labour decline in demand der ived demand economically justifiable demand notional demand total domestic demand. DEPOSIT certificate of deposits deposit bank deposit guar antee schemes for eign cur rency deposit impor t deposit official deposit pr ivate deposit bank. DIPLOMACY cable diplomacy citizen diplomacy conflictresolution diplomacy constr uctive diplomacy cr isis diplomacy cultur al diplomacy declar ator y diplomacy defensive diplomacy designer diplomacy dir ect diplomacy eur ocentr ic diplomacy mediation diplomacy multilater al diplomacy negative diplomacy par adiplomacy par liamentar y diplomacy pr oxy diplomacy shuttle diplomacy.
DIRECT dir ect action dir ect applicability dir ect democr acy dir ect diplomacy dir ect effect dir ect election dir ect income suppor t dir ect inter vention dir ect negotiation dir ect representation dir ect suppor t dir ect talk dir ect tax dir ect univer sal suffr age for eign direct investment FDI.
DOMESTIC domestic animal domestic assets domestic consumer domestic heating fuel domestic inflation estimations domestic inter national sales cor por ation DISC domestic jurisdiction domestic law domestic political issues domestic policy domestic resour ce domestic subsidy policy. DRAFT dr aft contr act dr aft decision dr afting committee dr aft opinion dr aft r esolution final dr aft.
ECONOMY categor ies of economic activity contr olled economy conver gence of economies functioning mar ket economy globalisation of the economy knowledge based economy mar ket economy mixed economy national economy open economy planned economy r egional economy. EFFECT ar r angement having similar effect biological effect car cinogenic effect countr y where establishment is effected dir ect effect immediate effect put into effect take effect.
EQUAL equal access equal footing equal oppor tunities equal r otation equal tr eatment for men and women equal tr eatment principle. EXCLUSIVE exclusive competence exclusive distribution agr eement exclusive economic zone exclusively fiscal natur e exclusive pur chasing agr eement exclusive br oadcasting r ight exclusive right individual holder of exclusive r ights nonexclusive right.
EXPORT Conventional Ar ms Expor ts Wor king Gr oup COARM declar ed expor t dumped expor t expor t cer tificate expor t credit expor t declar ation expor t duty expor t goods expor t insur ance expor t licence expor t levy expor t on consignment expor t pr emium expor t pr omotion expor t pr omotion centre expor t r efund Expor t Receipts Stabilisation System STABEX expor t r estitution expor t r estr iction expor ts expor ts regime.
EXTERNAL common exter nal tar iff CET Dir ector ateGeneral for External Relations expost exter nal audit exter nal debt exter nal debt monitor ing r epor t exter nal equilibrium exter nal financial stability exter nal influence exter nal r epr esentation exter nal tar iff exter nal trade exter nal transit pr ocedur e.
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Citas, bibliografía en turco y actualidad sobre casus. This book concerns the transformation of Roman legal rules into the "common law" of Western Europe between and John W. Turkey; politics and government; foreign relations; Greece. Hakan Cem Işıklar, Solving cubic equations by a formula that involves only the elementary operations of sum, product, and exponentiation of the coefficients is one of the greatest results in 16th century mathematics. At that time, the solution of Sara Confalonieri, Muraoka, It was a maxim of the old law that " casus omissus pro omisso habendus est," that is, that a case omitted is to be held as intentionally omitted.
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